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7 November 2019

Voucher for Innovation manager

The "Voucher for Innovation Manager" measure for Consulting in Innovation is the intervention that supports the technological and digital transformation processes of SMEs throughout the national territory through the introduction of managerial figures able to implement the enabling technologies envisaged by the National Plan Industria 4.0.


We are proud to announce that Edi Fabbro, Innovation Manager of Italynnova, is registered in the List of Innovation Managers of Unioncamere at number 120 and that he is registered in the Register of Innovation Managers set up by the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), condition required to access the voucher.


If it is in the interest of your company to take advantage of this financing opportunity to develop some of the topics covered by the measure, contact us for clarifications and to define how to proceed.

We remind you that Applications for access to the Voucher can be submitted until 17:00 on November 26th 2019.